Sweet disaster
OMFG.i haven't blogged in like ages gawd. I mean just look at the last date of my blogpost and now LOLS.
I realised i blogged at that point in time when i was emo =X. Guess i shouldn do things halfway ehs? humms..
So far its all good still i guess,though i semi quitted mapling due to personal stuff.Recently been out for movies,movies and more movies wif xKazuhiko,xBakaPUSSY,GeLaDUCK =P I cleared Eagle Eye,House Bunny,Mama Mia in 2 days (: I ended up watchin midnite movies at cine for the past 3 days with Swensens as well HEHE ;D imma grow fat soon T.T
I simply quitted maple for 1 week due to some stuff which i hope i've gotten over.Apologies to Devilzzzz and Pipo's Ht batch for not turnin up,i promise ill go next week =X I wont be online that often except for Ht i guess.Im tired of facin the screen ._|_ maple.It ruins people's lives >.<
Recently been back to clubbin omg..Like worse than the time i broke up with T.Like ive been goin to dblo den to fly and drinkin til 7am for consecutively 4days in a row,or hangin out at Boat Quay with De and the rest of them.Drinkin makes me sleep *GRINS* .Nope i aint in denial,just tryin to sleep without havin to toss and turn with the thoughts of the problems in my head.
To the one whom i know he likes me alot,til the extent that he would come to my place in the middle of the night just to give me ice-cream and though i couldn go down to meet him,he still waitied patiently for me..And how when i was in town walkin alone after drinkin,he would go down to town just to look for me though he had no idea where i would be..And how i would end up dead drunk and not pick up his calls and still he would frantically call just to make sure im fine..im sorry for hurtin you..Its not that i don't like you..Its just that i don't think i'm ready to love anyone just yet,cos i've been so so tired of the past and i don't think i have the energy or heart to actually fall for anyone yet..I might have someone in mind but his heart already has someone else i guess..I don't know.. I just wanna be left alone.I think i'm seriously better off alone..Love me for a reason don't love me for fun please.
There's somethin i just wanna shout and scream out..Which i've been bottlin up for so long..argh..
There,i said it out.FINALLY (:

PS:Sunshine,you're the best i ever,ever had.
I wish i could fall accidentally in love with you all over again..
I realised i blogged at that point in time when i was emo =X. Guess i shouldn do things halfway ehs? humms..
So far its all good still i guess,though i semi quitted mapling due to personal stuff.Recently been out for movies,movies and more movies wif xKazuhiko,xBakaPUSSY,GeLaDUCK =P I cleared Eagle Eye,House Bunny,Mama Mia in 2 days (: I ended up watchin midnite movies at cine for the past 3 days with Swensens as well HEHE ;D imma grow fat soon T.T
I simply quitted maple for 1 week due to some stuff which i hope i've gotten over.Apologies to Devilzzzz and Pipo's Ht batch for not turnin up,i promise ill go next week =X I wont be online that often except for Ht i guess.Im tired of facin the screen ._|_ maple.It ruins people's lives >.<
Recently been back to clubbin omg..Like worse than the time i broke up with T.Like ive been goin to dblo den to fly and drinkin til 7am for consecutively 4days in a row,or hangin out at Boat Quay with De and the rest of them.Drinkin makes me sleep *GRINS* .Nope i aint in denial,just tryin to sleep without havin to toss and turn with the thoughts of the problems in my head.
To the one whom i know he likes me alot,til the extent that he would come to my place in the middle of the night just to give me ice-cream and though i couldn go down to meet him,he still waitied patiently for me..And how when i was in town walkin alone after drinkin,he would go down to town just to look for me though he had no idea where i would be..And how i would end up dead drunk and not pick up his calls and still he would frantically call just to make sure im fine..im sorry for hurtin you..Its not that i don't like you..Its just that i don't think i'm ready to love anyone just yet,cos i've been so so tired of the past and i don't think i have the energy or heart to actually fall for anyone yet..I might have someone in mind but his heart already has someone else i guess..I don't know.. I just wanna be left alone.I think i'm seriously better off alone..Love me for a reason don't love me for fun please.
There's somethin i just wanna shout and scream out..Which i've been bottlin up for so long..argh..
There,i said it out.FINALLY (:

PS:Sunshine,you're the best i ever,ever had.
I wish i could fall accidentally in love with you all over again..