I hurt the one who cares for me & i let myself get hurt by the one who doesn't.
Joke ._.
Idk what poor bird or rich bird you are talkin bout but birds are still birds.
Parrot,swan,mynah,ostrich,flamingo,penguin blah blah..all still birds wad?
Even if they are classified under flyin or non-flyin or what not..all still birds wad.. -.-
One thing i learnt is that if you love something then you shouldn't let it go that easily..
If not that would mean you never loved it..
When you love something you become entwined..entangled..lost in that thing..& you find youself helplessly falling & falling..
& you know you love something when he doesn't pick up your calls & yet you still keep calling in the hope he will pick up though you often expect the worse,but you rather face it & hear his voice being so cold then unable to hear it at all..
Love is patient & kind,love knows no boundaries of forgiveness & hope..
Don't say you're gonna leave me now..when it's all gonna get better baby..
Out of so many billions of people we found each other..
are you really gonna give it up that easily becos of these mere differences & problems?
Are these small problems really gonna wreck us apart?
I thought the love we had would pull us through anythin..
prove me right baby..
I need you so badly..
Cried my eyes out till this morning..
PS: i'm sorry ahemahem..
Labels: There are things we don't want to happen but have to accept,
things we don't want to know but have to learn,
and people we can't live without
but have to let go