Weird people i met recently -.-"

1. G said if two people liked each other they can have sex with one another without any status, in short it means a fling right? He said no, flings is don't contact one <-- wtf nonsense? Means you expect me to have sex with you and treat it as though nothing happened? Excuse me fyi i do not go around having flings. Just because my ex boyfriends used me and dumped me does not mean i go around sleepin with ANYONE i so called "have feelings for" . If that is what you're after then sorry i aint your type so don't have to waste your time trying to wait for me and all. Anytime you need $50 to go to Geylang i can give it to you <;

2. S said if i liked him then i should do it with him to prove it to him. Prove what? Using my body as proof that i like you? Thats prostitution excuse me and even prostitutes get paid for it, so aint i worse than one if i do it with you just to prove?
If you like someone, shouldn you NOT be forcing the person to do things that will make them unhappy?You claimed you were different from my ex-es who only used me but askin me this now , doesn't it prove you're just the same? If i need to do it with you to prove that i like you, then i'm sorry but i don't like you at all, not the least bit,& you flaring up & shouting at me with your ahbeng hokkien words turns me off even more so _|_ off my life.

I've built walls around me after all the hurt and pain from the countless love games played, and i refuse to let them down so easily. toodles!

PS: idontneedabf&idontwantabfsoleavemealonecan.
