i don't know why it is that hard for you to give me that bit of trust. Every spare time i have i spend on skype waitin for you to train finish or till you wake up or can use the com.
I rush home everyday after work just to pei you on skype, even till the wee hours of the mornin, givin myself less than 3 hrs of sleep everyday just so you know "i'm there"
but you still don't trust me.
Even just a simple conversation with a girl to plan smthin as a surprise for you, you could misunderstand and show me your emo side without botherin to hear me explain. How many times have you said forget it to me and i hold back my pride and my tears and always hong you back again? If i can trust you why can't you do the same for me? I've given up goin out with my frens or even gamin with them, rather choosin to wait for any opportunity for you to have a break during trainin and talk to you instead.
You have no idea how each minute i have with you is so important to me.
Even when i'm sick i still go all the way to Malacca & KL, is what i'm doin really not good enough for you? Am i really not that good a girlfriend for you? I don't wanna see you being so emo everyday.
Wanting you to say a simple sorry to me, but due to your pride and anger you rather choose to let things turn out for the worst instead.Do you really wanna go on with your life with regrets?
I don't know what you want from me.. i really don't.
You ask me why i cry.. That's cos i am hurt by your harsh words and actions brushin me off..yet i can't get any words across to you cos you will just say forget it. You know how helpless i feel?
I don't want to see you being so upset or shed any tears for me. Just one person shedding them is more than enough already.
You say you say stuff bout yourself to an wei yourself cos you're afraid to lose me. I don't need some uber yandao or rich guy to keep me by their side. I love you for who you are, not who i want you to be. I would never want you to change any aspect of your character for me.
The person i love is the fat you that i can squeeze with on a cramped sofa and still wake up the next mornin feelin that was the best night i ever slept in for ages, i love the you who would still kiss me in the mornin even though we haven't brushed our teeth <: ,and i love the you for just being you. I don't understand why you don't get how much i love you. You still remember the email i sent you the night you went to kbox? That email was sent tellin you how i felt bout you and to tell you i love you and only you.Dig up that email if you don't remember.. If you still feel that i don't love you enough then i'll just walk away. Even if we can't be together , at least we had the memories. I wish you all the best.
PS: Cloudo ni jiang de shi dui de ^_^
Labels: What do you do when the only person who can make you stop cryin is the person who made you cry?
With Much Loves, Fe0n <;
I rush home everyday after work just to pei you on skype, even till the wee hours of the mornin, givin myself less than 3 hrs of sleep everyday just so you know "i'm there"
but you still don't trust me.
Even just a simple conversation with a girl to plan smthin as a surprise for you, you could misunderstand and show me your emo side without botherin to hear me explain. How many times have you said forget it to me and i hold back my pride and my tears and always hong you back again? If i can trust you why can't you do the same for me? I've given up goin out with my frens or even gamin with them, rather choosin to wait for any opportunity for you to have a break during trainin and talk to you instead.
You have no idea how each minute i have with you is so important to me.
Even when i'm sick i still go all the way to Malacca & KL, is what i'm doin really not good enough for you? Am i really not that good a girlfriend for you? I don't wanna see you being so emo everyday.
Wanting you to say a simple sorry to me, but due to your pride and anger you rather choose to let things turn out for the worst instead.Do you really wanna go on with your life with regrets?
I don't know what you want from me.. i really don't.
You ask me why i cry.. That's cos i am hurt by your harsh words and actions brushin me off..yet i can't get any words across to you cos you will just say forget it. You know how helpless i feel?
I don't want to see you being so upset or shed any tears for me. Just one person shedding them is more than enough already.
You say you say stuff bout yourself to an wei yourself cos you're afraid to lose me. I don't need some uber yandao or rich guy to keep me by their side. I love you for who you are, not who i want you to be. I would never want you to change any aspect of your character for me.
The person i love is the fat you that i can squeeze with on a cramped sofa and still wake up the next mornin feelin that was the best night i ever slept in for ages, i love the you who would still kiss me in the mornin even though we haven't brushed our teeth <: ,and i love the you for just being you. I don't understand why you don't get how much i love you. You still remember the email i sent you the night you went to kbox? That email was sent tellin you how i felt bout you and to tell you i love you and only you.Dig up that email if you don't remember.. If you still feel that i don't love you enough then i'll just walk away. Even if we can't be together , at least we had the memories. I wish you all the best.
PS: Cloudo ni jiang de shi dui de ^_^
Labels: What do you do when the only person who can make you stop cryin is the person who made you cry?
With Much Loves, Fe0n <;