LOLS.What zynnie said after she saw his pics. damn cute sia my galfren (:
Thanks for pei-ing me till the wee hours of the morning x33

Omg was supposed to write dis on friday but i wasn't feelin well so slept thru after meetin up with Vivian,Eileen.Elly,Shirleen for some girls fun (: Well,as from the above ss,he says he hasn't got over me yet..But his words prove otherwise,he's busy callin someone else dar and being so close with her for these few days.Stop tellin me u're missin me,and even the days of tuggin each other to sleep,cos obviously you DON'T.Your words just don't tally at all with your actions.If you're happy seein me that upset,then GRATZ,you've succeeded okays boy.Idk why i let your words affect me so much,the simplest imu is nuff to make me think back on all the times we had..Even tho' these few days i've been hearin and seein so much stuff bout you,i still am tryin my best to believe them you know?My frens call me crazy,but all i know is that's how much i'm crazy for you (: Anws,sorry to S7arFall for makin him wait 2 hrs plus ;x (I was too tired ;x)
Anws T,since SHE"s the sweetest taste of sin for you then continute tasting and sinning lols ;DD.I'm tryin my best not to let your words and actions get to me,it's like soo hard but i'll try my best.Since you have HER,all the best ehs..stop denyin to me anymore,even after we break up you still wanna deny to me -.-".I hope she'll be your strawberry ice cream XD.God knows why i called you at 4+am while you were enjoyin at lan lols..anws,i don't remember what i said also..Better if i don't i guess,if not i'll get emo ALL over again =.=.Sam says i've passed emo book 25 le T.T.Thanks to Anyhowthr0w aka d0ggieben and dodgesinRON aka d0ggieron for makin me laugh when i was emoing..SORRY ben i had to cry on the phone and let you hear..I just missed him so >.< PS:I wonder if i ever cross your mind when you're flirtin with other girls or HER.Do you ever think how i'm cryin for you while u're havin fun?I'm so confused now..Ur words are makin me so confused boy.. I hate myself.
PPS:I drank 2 bottles of cough syrup to make myself slp ;x toodles back to emo-ing and drawin my circles ;D

This is my present tense for now.Those askin me for answers please gimme time.Don't pressure me le please ):