Boring SAT ._.
The weekend passes so fast =.= Surprisingly i didn't go clubbin on both Fri & Sat XD.Spent the time dota-ing and slackin in maple..I got thru Fri quite well i guess,and luckily for Sat nite i had baobei Hazy and Teong to accompany me till 5am.Hazy takes good care of me,i'm glad i got her for company durin this emotional time <3 Hazy (:
Well,to the someone who lied to me and went out drinkin instead of keepin to his promise,i really have no idea what to say to you.I ain't angry just disappointed..If i could stay at home and not go clubbing,why couldn't you as well?If you know that i was not happy bout you goin then why did you still go?
And to the one who came all the way from Woodlands to Serangoon to find me but i couldn't go down to meet you,i'm really sorry..I wasn't feelin well..But i'm glad you made the effort to come down for me.However,I'm like so confused right now.Stuff that you guys want me to do for you i can do..But I ain't sure what i want at this point in time.Are you sure what you need is a girlfriend? Or just someone to accompany you when you're bored or down? I want someone whom i can make him smile and just be happy when we're together,i don't fancy expensive or branded stuff but what i want is just a sincere heart from you,is it really THAT hard?I don't mind anyone's past or whatsoever,but please don't lie to me time and time again.It gets really frustrating havin to learn to know someone all the way from scratch and when you finally think you can let go of your heart to that someone,he or she just breaks it.
Sometimes i wonder if i can ever let go of the past to actually start afresh..It's just so heart-wrenchin at times T.T
Recently,i was the cause of someone breakin up with his girlfriend..BUT i repeat myself once again,i DID NOT force him to break up.I even steered away from him after knowin he had a girlfriend,and even if we did went out,we went out in groups,not on a one-on-one basis.I would NEVER ever want to break anyone up cos i know the sucky feelin of havin that happen to me.And i made it absolutely clear to him that since he was attached i could not possibly ever go out with him..So don't come ranting at me like it was my fault he broke up with her..I may have been the cause but i did not choose to be it okays. So _|_ off those who want to misjudge me.Say all you want to say bout me,but please be warned,the words u say can't hurt me anymore then the hurt i've been thru (:
It's comin to 6 now..Guess i'll update again if any more weird stuff happen again later ehs. Toddles.
PS:I still miss my strawberry ice-cream.Miss me too please?
