FRIDAY LE 12/06/09

Well, met BM after my tender at SGH yesterday to go watch Ghosts of Girlfriends Past at The Cathay.
Sry for making you wait for me luh ): ,also not on purpose de aite?But i'm sure you'll forgive me HEHE :P
The dumbo BM don't know where i was at so had to go find him when he reached Dhoby Ghaut. uber DUMB luh ;X
Waited for the jerk to to come.. come le also don't know how to say sry de -.-" I mean i have been waitin for him always so no difference to me but got BM there he also buay pai seh luh x.x
When he FINALLY arrived there weren't any tix left for the 7 odd show so we ended up watchin the 945 show instead..Went to Swensens to eat before goin for the show.
Tried catchin the Stitch at the PS Arcade but to no avail -_____________________-
I totally dig the Stitch with the brolly luh.. IMBA ;X
The show was kinda funny with bits of sexual innuendos here & there.. i hope all the players & jerks out there really come to their senses after watching this movie & start to cherish the little bits & pieces & the people who care for you..
Something i learnt from the main actor was that the people who care more for others tend to be the ones who are happier in the end & that those who care less end up lonely D:
It is when i love someone that i believe the person will change for the better,no matter how long it takes <-- naive or plain stupid ._.
Cabbed back with BM while Sunshine bus-ed back <---Miracle siol
Slept at bout 1.30am--Think i had a quarrel with BM over some trivial stuff ;P
Sunshine called me but i already fell asleep.. too tired.. SUMIMASEH
Just back from lunch with Christine,before that went back to SGH to meet the Operating Theatre Nurses for a quick session..
Bosses are at Gleneagles now..
O ya i realised i uncovered another lie of Sunshines'..
He said he has not been contactin that fat tard Gene but when i saw his ladder profile in Garena i noticed he had been playin with him for quite a fair bit.
I think imma change my name to "FEON THE INVESTIGATOR" ^^
Though im upset for uncovering yet another lie..
The pain isn't as evident as before (:
BMBM is at Chambers now.. till lata..
PS: Thanks for the herbal tea BMBM & thanks for being so patient through it all (:
Labels: You & me against the world baby!